Spring Whims- Mobile 08

Spring Whims- Mobile 08


Wood and vintage brass chain paired with deadstock brass charms, and sculpted wire.

This item is small batch produced with limited quantities available. You will receive a mobile similar to the one featured in the photos. Included: Gold screw hook and monofilament (clear string).

Size: 16” tall (add as much clear string for distance from hanging area)

Best enjoyed* indoors, in a window or near a air vent so the mobile can move freely. The suncatcher on every mobile will create rainbows if hit at just the right angle by sunlight! Observe when the sun comes in through your windows and hang the mobile during this time to make sure the suncatcher will catch a ray! The height of your mobile may need to be adjusted season to season since the sun comes in at different angles.

*This mobile is designed to be enjoyed by kids and adults- NOT to be hung over a crib due to the small items and wire elements could be chocking hazards.

This product is designed with little to zero waste in mind, thus is made in small batch production in limited amounts.

This collection features collected wood from the hills of Sante Fe, NM. All brass items are deadstock brass findings, providing a low-waste product.

Focusing on finding beauty in salvaged and remnant materials discarded by large manufactures, and mixing the beauty of Earth made wonders of crystals and driftwood, I have creating my first collection of fine art mobiles. I have broken down the walls that confined me to make functional products, mainly domestic fiber goods, and have challenged myself to making a range of quirky and dainty mobiles that could fit in any home or office.

This collection is inspired by Alexander Calder, known for working with simple shapes and playing with scale and movement to create graceful pieces. When Calder wasn’t making sculptural art, he was drawing, painting and making domestic goods, he drew inspiration endlessly and didn’t work in any one medium.

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