Rebrand Design Collaboration with Parson Lane

Over the past few months, I've been working with designer, Molly Drake, of Parson Lane, to design a fresh look for Rivtak. We released the logo a few months ago (it was too good not to share), and now I'm thrilled to share the rest of the work Molly has done to re-design my website! Parson Lane is a boutique graphic design studio located in Carrboro, NC, and the brainchild of designer Molly Drake. Her mission is to craft thoughtful brand identities, websites and print designs for creative clients with big ideas. You can learn more about her work at or follow on ig @parsonlane. Check out the in depth article Molly wrote about our process from start to finish!

As an avid DIYer, I've got to admit that designing my website and graphics has always been a struggle for me. My design expertise lay more in the Product Development sector. I love sitting in my studio with my hands on fabric, sewing at my machine, testing and refining the design of my products! But important things, like the navigation of my site, the color ways of my brand, different versions of my logo; have always been on list of "things to do." I was always intimidated by design programs that I started stressing the details! I couldn't help but feel like a failure that I couldn't Do-It-ALL-Myself.

I knew that if I wanted to grow my business in 2020 with confidence, I needed to feel GREAT about my over-all brand look and web presence.

Here enters the graphic design expertise of Molly Drake! She swooped in and listened to all the needs of my growing business. As we talked, my needs and goals included:

  1. I want to build a stronger brand presence! Consistency through all my platforms as I grow is a must!

  2. I have tons of products and lots of needs for design collateral, and I want to be able to design new collaterals as needed. I need a branding kit!

  3. My website needs to be easy to navigate with the various services and products I offer. I am interested in so many things, but how do I share that without over whelming my customers and clients?

Once Molly refreshed my logo, she got to work updating my website! That thing had been on the same template for years! Molly designed a fresh look and I got to work updating my text copy and creating new content!

I was feeling really good about the progress I was making with the help of my talented designer! But there were some photos on my site that were over 3 years old! We knew we needed to get new images to go with the fresh new site.

Here enters Kristin Austin, of Aray Studios!

Kristin is a long time friend from the Maker Community of the greater Triangle area.
She has hosted pop-ups, meet-ups, markets and even had a jewelry line!
In the past year she has also started to offer her design and photography talents!

Our goal was to shoot a bunch of my new collateral items with new logo to show off all the work we had done, and of coarse, be able to show potential wholesalers and market organizers. We had a great, over cast day to shoot in an empty office space at Locale 321, downtown Durham. See out bts photos I took on the instax FujiFilm.

I finally have the confidence to print all the stickers, tape, packaging, etc, that I use to support the handmade products I sell. It’s hard to express how validating this is for me! After 12 years of asking favors of my partner Adam, I finally am at a place where I can hire the right professionals for the job. To see my creations wrapped in special tape and stickers and everything, it is truly a joy and an accomplishment to start off the new decade and to get me hype about the other projects on the horizon (hello video tutorials!).